Macedon Cats

Round 11: Macedon Vs Wallan C Grade

Macedon 43 DEF Wallan 8

This week we were full to the brim on the team list, having 12 players ready and able to take the court. From the get-go we were able to stifle any chance Wallan had at scoring. Em was applying pressure at WD, gaining handy ball for the team, and getting tips on the ball. Steph’s feeding was a stand out in this quarter, delivering the bulk of the ball to our goalers. She was getting great depth on her drives. We were very tidy in this quarter, with only one turnover. We were really direct through this quarter, and the whole game. At quarter time we were leading 12-3. In the second, we started to make a few more mistakes, along with some bad passing. We were still able to gain lots of ball back, especially through our circle defenders, Sheridan and Allira. This quarter wasn’t our best of the game. We went into half time 19-6. The second half was overall better, even though Wallan had somewhat faded, we pressed on towards our own goals we had set ourselves. We kept Wallan to one goal in the third and one goal in the forth quarters. Nellie played the second half in GA and she did an impressive job of playing a feeding role to our GS’s, Susan and Shanae. The third quarter was another 12 goal haul, again treasuring the ball making only one turnover, leading Wallan 31-7. In the last quarter, Sheridan made the most of her opportunity to take intercepts, taking five. Nearly everyone on the court, took a recovery in this quarter. This helped Shanae to score 9 goals in this quarter and both goalers rebounded all their missed goals. As we look towards this week, we play Riddell who will be a good test as to where we are at.

Best on: Emily Robinson

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