Macedon Cats

Round 12: Macedon Vs Riddell A Grade

Macedon 36 DEF BY Riddell 40

Macedon started the first quarter the dominant team, scoring an easy 5 goal run in the first couple
of minutes. They moved the ball quickly and looked a lot more like the Macedon team that we all
know. The ball made it into the goal circle quite easily and the goalers didn’t disappoint, shooting
100%. The defensive pressure was solid coming from all players on the court, but it was the mid
courters and GD that stopped Riddell from getting the volume they needed to stay in the chase.
Bella K backed up her B grade game and started in the GD position. She was the dominant defensive
player with 7 recoveries. Macedon 13- 8.
The change of ends and umpires had a huge impact on the attackers in the second quarter. There
was a game plan that the attackers tried to execute with the change of umpire, but they slowly got
sucked in and were waiting on calls that just were not coming. Macedon failed to maintain the
intensity and flow and Riddell went on to score 6 goals to Macedon’s 1.
There were 12 turnovers in the 2 nd quarter and although it was wet, 9 were bad passes, a very telling
stat to what took place for Macedon in the 2 nd quarter. Macedon’s defensive pressure was
outstanding, showing the fight they had in them. 6 clean intercepts from 5 different players, 5 gains
and 4 tips. The opportunities were there but they were negated by the high number of turnovers.
Riddell score 10 goals to Macedon’s 5 in the second quarter and it was 18 all.
Alex started the 3 rd quarter in WA and Taylah Chamra gave Bella a rest and played GD. A very clean
attacking end with the turnover count back to a reasonable 4. The volume to the goalers was back
up and 12 goals were scored from 15 attempts. The issue in the 3 rd quarter was the defensive
pressure. 3 gains from the mid court and 2 recoveries from Katie in GK. Riddell converted 12 goals
but missed 7 shots, Macedon just weren’t winning the ball back enough to make a dint in the score.
The score was tied at 30 all.
Macedon made a few positional changes with Alex being moved up the other end to GK, in an effort
to recover some rebounds, Katie moved out to GD, and Ash C came on into WA. Macedon needed to
bring something different and adjust their game in the wet and to the change of end. No team broke
away for the first half of the last quarter, but Macedon had their chances but with 8 turnovers (all in
attack), it was becoming more of a challenge and they were allowing Riddell to stay in the game.
Macedon were receiving a lot of attention with the whistle and were penalised 12 times. The
defensive end were the only players to win ball back with 4 intercepts and 3 gains, which is
reasonable considering how many times players were out of play. Macedon couldn’t stay in the
game, with only 6 goal attempts to Riddell’s 11 goal attempts for the quarter and Riddell took the 4
points with a 4-goal win.
Best on: Chloe Williams
34 goals & 5 misses for 87% accuracy with 1 shooting rebound giving 89% effectiveness,
13 feeds
2 assists

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