Macedon Cats

Round 5: Macedon Vs Lancefield A Grade

Macedon 57 DEF Lancefield 31

It was a shaky start for the unbeaten Cats, with Lancefield scoring the first 3 goals of the game.
Macedon had plenty of the ball but was struggling to find the net and convert. Lancefield sunk another 3 goals and the scoreboard showed 6-2. Macedon was down, something they were not too familiar with, and they needed to pull their finger out if they were going to have a half-decent first quarter. Within moments Macedon switched into gear and shot 7 unanswered goals. The quarter went on and Macedon’s defenders continued to lead by example with hard one on one
pressure and over a handful of intercepts. Ball supply to the goalers was extremely high and even with 8 misses Macedon finished the quarter 3 goals ahead of Lancefield.
Macedon made a positional change with Ciara moving into GA and Chelsea taking the court in the traditional WA position. This cleaned up the attack end instantly and the turnovers were reduced dramatically. Macedon’s GA became the dominant player assisting in the goal ring and the feeds came hard and fast from the WA, Hetty finished it off in GA by shooting 16 of the 17 goals for the quarter. The change of ends in the second quarter affected how many clean intercepts Macedon took, and gains become the dominate recovery in defence. Macedon’s defensive pressure over the shot put Lancefield’s goalers off and accuracy was becoming their problem. Lancefield shot 8 from 12 attempts. Macedon had a much more respectable quarter and the scoreboard pressure was on
29 – 17.
The third quarter changes came all over the court. Alex came on into GK, Katie had a spell out in GD, Bronte came on into C and later in the quarter (after an injury to Hetty) Chloe came off the bench into GS. Macedon’s turnovers started to appear again, and they gave away 9 opportunities to score with poor decision making but on a positive Macedon fixed up the center pass receives, and the WA and GA were the only players taking the center pass. The changes to the defensive end took a little time to adjust to and, on several occasions, there was a defensive player out of play. While the hard man-on-man pressure was wearing Lancefield down, Macedon was benefiting from this because Lancefield was starting to look tired. 9 intercepts, 4 rebounds, 9 gains, and keeping their
goalers to under 50% accuracy was an outstanding effort. Macedon was back on track 40 -26.
Macedon continue to explore the depth of their bench and made a few more changes. With Hetty resting with a pretty serious injury the attack end kept their position. Karlee came on fresh into C and Bronte moved back to WD. Janelle returned to GD and Alex stayed in GK. The defenders killed it!
Alex dominated with 6 intercepts, 1 gain, 5 tips, a block, and 2 rebounds. Janelle continued with relentless defence taking 3 intercepts, 1 gain, and 3 tips and Karlee had 2 intercepts,1 rebound, and a gain to add to the count.
The attackers handled a lot of ball this quarter and the feeds and assists were extremely high.
Finding a good goaling position was becoming a lot of work for the goalers and movement at times
was stagnant. When the goalers were in a good position they were accurate . Macedon added another 17 goals to the count in the last quarter and walked away with a strong win, although
Best On: Alex August-Leifi
10 intercepts 5 rebounds 11 tips 1 gain and a block

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