Macedon Cats

Round 6: Macedon V Lancefield – B Grade

Macedon (50) V Lancefield (26)
Team List: 

Our first quarter was the best start that we have had all season. We maximised every opportunity and our goalers were well serviced, shooting 15 goals. Bianca dominated the centre passes and Sam and Madi made sure they worded just as hard to know turnover the ball in the first quarter. Our defenders applied pressure with hands over the pass and all 4 players recovered a ball. Taylah was strong rebounding 4 of the 6 missed shots and they kept their goalers to 5 out of 6 attempts. 10-2.

The second quarter we put fresh legs on, one in goals and the other in defence. We moved the ball extremely fast and this caused us to throw to players that hadn’t done the work to lose their opponent or just weren’t ready for the ball. 6 turnovers from our attackers, giving up what should have been an easy goal. Our defenders were accurate with their 3 feet, with not one obstruction call but we needed to clean up our contacts because this just gave Lancefield a free pass, or free shot at goal. We won the quarter 13 -9 and had doubled their score 28 -14.

We made 5 changes heading into the second half of the game. Sammi was fast on our centre passes in WA and our goalers were fed well. 10 recoveries from 6 players on court with tips being our strongest form of defence. Lancefield’s GA didn’t put up a shot while their GS shot at 50% with Kaz’s long reach intimidating her. We shot 13 from 17 attempts
and had a healthy lead 41 -19.

5 more changes or repositions and we clocked 9 more goals to the count. The game slowed up with not as many centre passes being taken and less opportunity to goal. Fatigue kicked in and more shots were missed (5). This quarter our team strength was defence. We recovered 12 balls and applied strong pressure in the ring. A solid performance from our side we won the game 50 -26.

Best on court goes to  Bianca MacKay

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