Macedon Cats

Round 8: Macedon vs Rams B Grade

Macedon 35 DEF Ram 24

The B grade side has looked a little different over the past few weeks and it this game was no
different. After Nellie Wilson’s game last week, she got the start in GA and Ash was rewarded with
the WA position. This quarter was a goal for goal contest where the Cats surprisingly quickly
adjusted their game play to the Rams zone defence. The problem this quarter was Macedon’s full
court defence. Rams were quick with moving the ball out of our attack and with a very tall GS the
Cats weren’t winning much ball with only 4 clean recoveries. 11 all heading into the 2 nd quarter.
The Cats made one change with Shanae coming on into GK to match the height of the GS. 6 bad
passes and 3 coach killer, a turnover for 6 players on the court meant that Macedon had to call an
injury time, regroup, and change the 7 players on court. Ash moving into goals, Demi switching from
C to WA, Dels moved from WD to C and Georgia H came onto the court in WD. Macedon’s defence
was relentless with 11 clean recoveries and a handful of tips but the attacking work just didn’t
compliment this work. Caught up in the chao that was a very messy quarter both teams only
managed to score 5 goals each. 16 all heading into the second half.
The break did Macedon a world of good because they came on to the court like a different team.
They cleaned up and only turned over 4 balls, stayed clean in the contest and the rewards came with 10 tips and 10 clean recoveries. Rams started calling many strategic injury times and then it became a game of cat and mouse with players being changed constantly. Macedon kept Rams to just 3 goals for the quarter and Macedon punished them with 9 goals. A much healthier lead 25 – 19 and it was time to finish the game.
Aleigha came back on to GK as she was able to match the height of the GS on court. A pleasing 2
turnovers, 11 tips, and 6 recoveries for the last quarter and Macedon were starting to show why
they are top of the table. Macedon’s 10 goals for the quarter were no match for the Rams 5. A happy coach, a delighted bench and an even happier team, taking the 4 points and a 11-goal win.
Votes: Georgia Fearn
30 goals  73% accuracy 4 shooting rebounds 2 intercepts, 2 feeds, 2 assists

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