Macedon (43) V Lancefield (8)
Team List:
Our 2pm start worked well for us with a beautiful sunny day as we started this week as we finished last week, with great full court pressure. This pressure caused Lancefield to make mistakes and we had a strong finish to the quarter 7 goals up.
Smothering full court defence in Q2 to shut down Lancefield’s drive and very strong shooting efforts while maintaining possession with very little turnovers for a 16 goal lead.
A few positional changes and a few feeding errors in attack in Q3. We need to watch when we make changes that we maintain our 3 Feet and don’t become wasteful with the ball, but 100% shooting effectiveness and defenders still going strong to take 5 intercepts, 24 goals in front.
We steadied nicely with very clean handling in Q4. We finished with high effort across the team. We had solid defensive pressure and strong goaling efforts to finish with the highest quarter margin and a convincing 35 goal win.
Next we play like this against Melton.
Strong Team Effort
Best on court goes to Allira Egan