Macedon 16 Lost 38 Woodend-Hesket
Our first quarter was riddled was bad passes which gave Woodend a solid start to the game. We had some defensive recoveries but were unable to win the ball back on our attack end. We were hesitant to pass into goalers and turned over a lot of balls as a result.
Our second quarter was very similar to our first. We won back some defensive ball but struggled to transition it down to our attack. We persisted with swinging the ball across the circle and continued to turn the ball over.
In our third quarter, our defenders rattled Woodend’s goalers. Winning back that volume of ball allowed us to have more time in possession. We worked the ball better and moved it faster and more accurately. This was our best quarter equal to Woodend.
Our last quarter the game was already lost but we had a goal to reduce the margin. Inaccuracy and bad passes from almost every player on the court opened up the margin. Coming up against an inform Rams next week, we need to continue to protect the top of the circle and work on our transitions.