Macedon (21) V Wallan (26)
Team List:
The defensive efforts of all 7 players on court should be winning us games, but it isn’t. Its time to start
looking at where the breakdown is and how we can move forward so that we aren’t our own worst enemy.
3 of our 6 turnovers in the first quarter were from a step, break and offside. All unforced errors from the attack end that cost us 3 easy opportunities to score a goal. Tidy this up and we score 3 more goals. 8 recoveries, with 4 coming from our mid court which is outstanding, but if we don’t value that possession and it costs us in effort and fitness then we are undoing all our own hard work. We only managed to score 4 goals to Wallan’s 7.
In the second quarter our feeding attackers turned over 6 balls with bad choices and fumbles. Our main feeder to goals is our Centre (Janayah) but we need this to be our WA. Ball placement and 2nd efforts to lose a defensive player needs to improve in order for our feeders to do their job and deliver the ball accurately to our goalers. 9 strong recoveries emphasising our teams defensive game kept Wallan to scoring just the 6 goals in this quarter, we won this quarter 9- 6 and took a 1 goal lead heading into half time.
We dropped the ball in the 3rd quarter with another 8 turnovers, coming from every player but Aleigha. Our passing and decision making was costing us a lot of goals, forcing Sally to make changes mid into the 3rd quarter. We recovered a whooping 11 balls just to throw them away and not be rewarded with a goal. When the ball did make into the goalers they shot 5 from 8 attempts and no rebounds. Wallan’s pressure wasn’t forcing us to make these mistakes, our lack of fitness and valuing possession made it easy for Wallan to take a 1 goal lead heading into the last quarter.
We recovered 9 balls in 10 minutes of play, showing our defensive strength but unfortunately following the trend of the game we just threw them away with 7 bad passes and no enough attempts at goal. Wallan cleaned up from our mistakes shooting 7 from 12 attempts while we only put up 5 goals and scored 3.There simply wasn’t enough ball going into our goalers and when there was, our goalers did not capitalise on this opportunity. A lot of work to be done on our attack if we want to be final contenders.
Best on court goes to Aleigha Walters